Is it worth implementing Big Data Technologies
An estimated $ 80 billion is lost each year because of bad customer experiences, out of which approximately $ 2.3 billion is the annual impact on the airline industry because of customer experience
Structuring Ticket Process Outsourcing
For Travel Agencies, ticketing is a function that entails high process time, while being a low value generating function. The function adds to the agency‘s costs in terms of the time spent on query handling and ticket distribution, while the agency does not create additional value by handling this process on its own.
Embracing the Social Element in the Loyalty Programs
Airlines and ground handlers are constantly looking for ways to improve load planning processes. With increased focus of travel companies on custAir travel and the associated loyalty program has become a commodity in today’s world.
Ensuring Quality through Progressive Approach in Test Automation
Emerging technological innovations along with dynamic business needs of the travel industry are shaping the travel IT industry to set new and modern trends.
Creating a 360-degree View of the Connected Traveller
Today travel providers have vast amount (petabytes) of data on every step that their customers take during their travel booking cycle.
Social Travel-Integrated Travel Experience
While we all know e-Commerce as the buying and selling of goods and services on electronic systems, there are multiple new terminologies that are related to this term albeit with slight differences.
Airline Customer Value
It costs 10x more to acquire a customer than to retain, and 100 times more to win back one already disillusioned with the company. This problem usually translates into finding out which customers are valuable, and how many of them are dissatisfied.