Defect free migration of TPF to zTPF for a leading GDS

amit3076Case Studies

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IGT implemented Industry’s first “TPF Cross Functional Impact Matrix” enabling quick identification of the dependency of each program on multiple functions for a leading GDS provider.

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Business Need

  • Migration from legacy TPF to open systems z/TPF platform.
  • Key applications to be migrated:
    - Passenger Services System(PSS)
    - Passenger Name Record Complex systems (PNR)

Best Practices

  • Leveraging existing knowledge of TPF systems
  • Utilizing a proven approach to handle large-scale z/TPF Migration
  • Developing a well defined migration plan (utilizing phased approach)

The client is a leading Global Distribution System (GDS) providing distribution, technology, payment and other solutions to the travel industry

Complex architecture of the existing system, driving significant challenges to the implementation:

  • Multiple dependent projects to be integrated into the overall z/TPF Migration program for successful completion
  • Unavailability of resources was an additional challenge

Solution Offered
Single source - maintaining one set of source code that will run on both TPF 4.1 and z/TPF

  • Defining/updating rules in TPF Toolkit: IGT team worked on creating their own rules in TPF Toolkit that required some replacements and auto fixes
  • Removed compilation errors and warnings for TPF4.1 and z/TPF LINUX
  • TPF4.1 production loads: Groups of remediated application segments were tested and moved to the TPF 4.1 production environment in smaller packages.
  • Debugging (4.1 and z/TPF Regression Test)
  • Prepare for implementation of code on z/TPF Environment: This includes Pro-active involvement by the IGT  z/TPF Migration team in any diagnostic needs during implementations on z/TPF Test and copy systems

Repeatable test processes were developed that were used to test and Regression test the single source application code throughout the z/TPF upgrade. This process was executed at various intervals during the Program.

  • Baseline functional 4.1 test executed against the as-is TPF 4.1 environment
  • TPF 4.1 regression test executed after the z/TPF single source modifications were completed
  • z/TPF regression test executed in the z/TPF environment once the operating system updates were applied


  • Migration to zTPF with 99.99% success rate with up to 10% cost savings
  • 96,000 prebuilt functional testing scenarios resulting in less time to market
  • 40,000 TPF modules single sourced in 9 months
  • Reduction in license cost and maintenance and upgrade cost
  • Innovators of customized accelerators
    - Industry’s first “TPF Cross Functional Impact Matrix” enabling quick identification of dependency of each program on multiple functions
  • Utility and EXECs to ensure data integrity
  • Migration of 26 programs per month per developer